Dear World

Today  I write something about loveletters. There are drawers full of loveletters. There are books full of love letters and correspondences. Today more

Songlyrix: Expanse

EXPANSE we were reaching out the center of me was 
not I felt the loss it burned holes and the holes were more

In the meadows

Ich kenne ihn seit Jahren, vom Sehen. Manchmal pflückt er Blumen in den Wiesen. 
Früher hatte er zwei Kampfhunde. Einer hatte nur more

The lady in the window

Küche, 6:37h Ich sitze am Tisch, mit Blick aus dem Fenster auf die Straßenkreuzung. Die Weihnachtssterne der Nachbarn hängen dieses Jahr länger more

Collage CBöckmann


More light, air and the golden dragon of everyone.    

Interview: Kids asking

An Interview Mathilde (9 years) is learning something about religions in school. She had to give a little lecture about the Judaism more

On Aether

  Audioessay “on Aether” “Aether_an essayistic poetic tale-noise on aether and it´s noise” an audio play from Constanze Böckmann.

Kunstzug Dresden Breslau Spiegelstationen Svea Duwe


Art in public space “Art train” between Dresden and Wroclaw October 2016   Dresden, 16th of Okctober 2016 The Dresden – Wroclaw more